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View Review
Product Conqueror
Reviewer Velox Vyper
Created 11-May-2011, 22:07:51
Overview Conqueror: Will you Conquer the lands, or be king nothing?
Rating System: 1-5
1= an absolute do not use
5= Is absolutely perfect
∗Disclaimer: This is my personal opinion as a veteran pilot and does not reflect everyones use of said items in actual combat∗

Mech For Review: Qonqueror

Health levels: 3.5 (900)
Not the highest of healths, but enough to allow it to behave as a dedicated support sniper. Try not to get into prolonged firefights, or you will melt.

Speed: 3
An average speed heavy, this mech is fast enough to outrun most walking assaults with out strife or warp, but isn’t fast enough to catch or out run other heavies or mediums or lights.

Flight capability: 2
This mech flies about as well as a thrown brick. Jump jets at most, with full fuel, will take you to the height of about a medium sized building in old city. Use basic JJ’s since the fuel will last you slightly longer then EJJ’s.

Hitbox Size: 2.5
The hit box is slightly smaller than the large boxish body that makes up the mass of the mech, making it possible for rounds to pass through the shoulders and lower extremes of the chest and not harm the user.

Special: Comes with 100% built in AMS

Weapons that come with: Heavy Sniper Cannons

Heavy Sniper Cannon:
Equip slot: Right and Left Arm
Damage level: 5 (123 with buffs, 110 without)
ammo: 4 (80, rated so high due to damage-to-ammo ratio)
range: 5 (Cross sim capabilities)
Projectile type: Bullet, Physical
Projectile speed: 5 (Very rapid travel)
fire rate: 2 (about a two second refire)
Heat generation: 2
Fired alone, it causes little heat generation, but fired in pairs or repeatedly or with other weapons, it will cause major heat build and require paceing of your fireing.
Ease of aim: 4
Special: Default bullets can cause push, but have hit detect issues. Ask an Admin or GM for the correct projectiles to fix it with.
Hardmounted: No
Splash Size: 0, None
Personal notes: As long as you replace the bullet to fix it’s hit detect issues, this weapon is decently easy to hit with at short range or against easily predictably moving targets. Against eratic movements at range though, they will be more difficult to hit with, but due to rapid movement of the projectiles, it is still releatively easy to hit with after due training. This weapon has a fairly steep training curve, so new users beware.

Overall review

Overall, for a cheap mech (450L) this will nab you the universally used Sniper rifles and a decently statted Heavy mech. With it’s built in AMS, this mech will easily behave as a support role mech, or to agro onto LRM boats, but lacks the speed and mobility to easily take on assault mechs, and can often be harrassed to death by lighter mechs that hit and run on it. I found Light rail guns or V-syncs often times well complimented it’s sniper rifles, but caused severe heat issues sometimes, less so with with the V-syncs than the Light rails. Other than that, I recomend large pec lasers to give you something with which to ward off fliers or fast mechs with if you are unable to hit with your snipers.
If you forsee yourself supporting your allies in the future from long range, or just want some sniper rifles, I suggest you nab this mech. It’s AMS is nifty to boot, and makes it very usefull against well loathed lrm boats.
Rating 3 Stars