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View Review
Product Crossbow
Reviewer Velox Vyper
Created 11-May-2011, 22:02:24
Overview Crossbow: Firing bolts of death, or spitwads of annoyance?
Rating System: 1-5
1= an absolute do not use
5= Is absolutely perfect
∗Disclaimer: This is my personal opinion as a veteran pilot and does not reflect everyones use of said items in actual combat∗
Statistics may vary between users, due to perks, factions, and general user ability.
Mech For Review: Crossbow

Health levels: 3.5 (900)
Slightly above average health for a heavy mech, it still isn’t the heaviest rumbler out there, but possess enough to withstand decent amounts of punishment.

Speed: 3
Consisting of average ground speed, this mech will be able to keep pace with most un-assisted mediums and walking heavy and assault mechs.

Flight capability: 2
JJ’s are capable of giving assisted jumps, but burns far too much fuel to actually fly. Using all of your fuel will allow you to ascend to the tallest building in New City

Specials: 10% explosive weapons

Hitbox Size:

Weapons that come with: Pec LRMs, Melee Arms, Crossbow Laser

Crossbow laser:
Equip slot: Stomach
Damage level: 4 (75 damage)
ammo: 5 (None)
range: 100 meters
Projectile type: Beamaa
Projectile speed: Instant
fire rate: 2 (One beam, two second refire)
Heat generation: 3 (Generates roughly 18 heat with Cooling Fins, but fires so slowly it shouldn’t make a difference except in hot setups)
Ease of aim: 5 (Fires dead center and a little low, instant travel)
Special: None
Hardmounted: Yes
Splash Size: 0, None
Personal notes: This weapon is fun, but a bane at the same exact time. In basic functionality, it’s a large laser on roids that attaches to the stomach. While this removes a valuable tripple heatsink for a heavy mech, it allows it to mount more weaponry than normal. This sounds fine and dandy, if it weren’t for the fact this laser actually rezzes in a physical state like a bullet. This raises a few interesting perks and issues. Since the laser is physical, it can in fact be used to shoot down incomming projectiles, and act as a giant close line beam of denial. However, this same area of denial applies to your own weapons. The sheer hit box of the laser renders pec weapons un-usable, and some weapons useless as the bullet/beam is cancelled out due to shooting to close to Crossbow Laser. My recomendation, mount lasers on the arms and shoulders, and field this mech as a slightly weaker, slightly more mobile Long range laser support setup version of a Wastelander. However, be carefull of your mounts, as you will only have pec heatsinks to keep you cool.

Pec LRM:
Equip slot: left and right Pec
Damage level: 3 (5ish per impact, 50 per splash)
ammo: 2 (60 missles)
range: 4 (96 meters)
Projectile type: Homeing lock-on Missle
Projectile speed: 5 (Travels near instantly to target)
fire rate: X, As fast as you can lock on and Fire.
Heat generation: 4 (LRMs run hot, and can often times fire faster than intended.)
Ease of aim: 5 (lock onto target, Fire)
Special: Has an lock on feature that allows the missle to follow and track the target.
Hardmounted: Yes
Splash Size: 2, (2-3 meter blast radius)
Personal notes: LRMs are the weapon to use if you don’t believe your able to hit your oppponent. Able to lock on, they will follow your target rellentlesly untill they explode in a pretty crimson color across their face. However, LRM’s have major issues in and of themselves. Since the missles themselves are physical, they can be shot down as you fire them by incoming projectiles and cause them to detonate and splash yourself, or be rendered near useless. On a similar note, LRM’s are hard countered by the AMS equipment, and become little more than paper weights against mechs fielding an AMS.

Melee Arms (Laser blade):
Equip slot: Left and Right Arm
Damage level: 2 (10)
ammo: 5 (none)
range: 0-2 meters
Projectile type: Melee, Sensor based
Projectile speed: Sensor based, instant detect
fire rate: 5 (As fast as you can click, after successfuly hit, half second cool down)
Heat generation: 5 (Neglible heat gain even while spamming)
Ease of aim: 5 (Close to melee range, face in general direction of, swing repeatedly)
Special: None
Hardmounted: No
Splash Size: 0, none
Personal notes: Re-skinned Melee blades, these attachments make for humorous attachments to other mechs in place of standard laser blades, making for a nice hugging attachment. Due to the mechs heavy stature and inability to catch with faster mechs, the melee arms should be removed for something more readily usefull for long range engagements as most dedicated melee setups will easily out damage it in melee.

Overall review
This mech, while an awesome idea in concept, is reduced to little more than a fun play around mech by it’s physical center laser. Lacking the sheer power of other stomach mounted weapons, and rendering most heavy hitting arm mounts useless, this weapon in my opinion was most fun used for playing around, shooting enemy mechs in the feet with my Crossbow Laser and watching them pop up into the air. I tried a few variants, from Sniper rifle arms to Mammoth lasers to the Bassilisks medium laser arms, and almost all seemed to catch and be made useless on the center beam, making it’s usefulness questionable at best.
If nothing else, get it for the laser blade arm replacements. Hillarious to hug and karate chop people to death. 007 Golden Eye slappers mode go.
Rating 1 Stars