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View Review
Product Baal
Reviewer Velox Vyper
Created 11-May-2011, 21:43:38
Overview Baal: Baals of steel, or baals of balsa wood?
Rating System: 1-5
1= an absolute do not use
5= Is absolutely perfect
∗Disclaimer: This is my personal opinion as a veteran pilot and does not reflect everyones use of said items in actual combat∗

Mech for review: Baal

Health levels: 3
While not the toughest of medium mechs, it has enough health to survive direct hits from most hard hitting weapons, but still melts under sustained fire.

Speed: 3.5
While faster than several mediums, and with Daac able to catch up to assaults and mediums, it is still outpaced by several medium and light mechs on the ground, and lacks the special movement abilities to catch up to fliers or warpers.

Flight capability: 2
While it can use it’s jump jets to fly onto the large majority of tall buildings in Aeon city and the old city, be prepared to use up all of your fuel to reach said heights, and have a slower than running on the ground air speed.

Hitbox size: 4
It’s an average sized medium mech, and as such while it presents an average sized hit box, it fits perectly in the mech. If you miss a shot, blame yourself, not the hitbox.

Weapons that come with it: 2 Napalm Hell Cannons, 2 miniguns, srm

Napalm Hell cannon:
Equip slot: Left and right arms
Damage level: 1.5
ammo: 5 (Unlimited)
range: 1 (2-3 meters)
Projectile type: Sensor
Projectile speed: 5 (Instant hit)
fire rate: 5 (Click and hold, constant stream)
Heat generation: 5 (requires only a few single heat sinks to counter generated heat)
Ease of aim: Sensor based, auto hit while within range and facing in general direction of.
Special: Per arm, causes ten points of heat on opponent per second of steady hitting.
Hardmounted: No
Splash Size: 0, none
Personal notes: This weapon is really is a clan flamer in disguise. Usefull if your attempting to overheat hot running assault mechs, or low heatsink using lights. Other than that, I would recommend replacing this weapon. While if you manage to overheat someone, you can sit atop of them and keep them overheated, slowly pecking them to death, this will leave you extremely open to return fire from his friendlies. A good suggestion for additional weapons to mount with this is something on the shoulders to counter your short ranged arm mounts, or perhaps lbx or bio rifles to aid in damage atop of your immobile opponents, allowing for easy repeated hits.

Ball Minigun:
Equipe slot: Left and right arms
Damage level: 1.5
Ammo: 4 (400)
Projectile type: Bullet, phantom
Projectile speed: 3
Fire rate: 5 (Fires six projectiles, roughly one second lapse between bursts)
Heat generation: 5 (Requires only a few single heat sinks to counter generated heat)
Ease of aim: 3 (Individual bullets difficult to hit with, but enough fired down range for at least one to hit if lead correctly)
Special: Fires six projectiles, consumes five ammo.
Splash Size: 0, None
Hardmount: No
Personal Notes: This weapon is really a Chaingun in disguise. While it fires several projectiles one after the other, they do lack luster damage and require many many repeated hits to take down an enemy mech. Do not use against assaults or you will die. While a lack luster primary weapon, it makes a great secondary weapon, and if used against opponents below half health, they will lose equipment quickly. A must have if you like spammy setups. a good accessory is something to counter set it’s lack of long range abilities, such as shoulder or pec large lasers. Though if you wish to only spam, pulse lasers or some other equivalent would do well on the shoulders.

Streak Srm pec:
Equip slot: left pec
Damage level: 3 (20 damage per missle)
Ammo: 3 (100)
Range: 2 (roughly 50 meters)
Projectile type: Physical Prim
Projectile speed: Slow, Archs
Fire rate: 4
Heat Generation: 4 (Very little heat when fired by self, but can substantially add to group firing)
Ease of aim: 2 (Fires four projectiles)
Special: Labelled as Right pec mount, attaches to left.
Splash size: 2, 2-3 meters across
Hardmount: Yes
Personal note: These fire and behave exactly like standard SRMs. Slow moving and with a slow arch, these missles can be fired at close range into the ground for splash trapping at medium amounts of damage, or aimed upwards to arch over short-medium distances. Due to the slow speed of the projectiles, do not aim directly at your target, as they will likely not suceed on hitting your target as they move out of the way. Instead, aim so the missles impact their feet or near where their feet will be when the missles reach the destination. To accent the missles ability to arch, arm or shoulder mounted missles allows this weapon to increase the amound of splash and splash damage available. Unfortunately, this unique arch also works against it as it makes it difficult to hit with multiple weapons, as your bullets will fly straight while your missles are impacting the ground short.

Overal opinion:
This mech was designed to be a close ranged fighter with it’s defaults weapons, Napalm Hell Cannons able to shut down mechs allowing the srm to pound into the shut down target, to the Minigun being used to peck them apart while the Srm funnels them where you want by guiding them with your splash. DAAC and JJ’s are a must, as the default mobility of the mech is only average at best, but with run enabled and the pre-said equipment attached it becomes a fairly decent platform. However, due to it’s weapons, it will still be vunlnerable to light mechs or long range attacks, and you will want to mount long range weaponry on the shoulders and pecs to aid your initial weapons.
Rating 2 Stars