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View Review
Product Partisan Tank
Reviewer Velox Vyper
Created 20-Oct-2011, 08:42:58
Overview Is this tank a Partisan to peaceful or violent politics?
Rating System: 1-5
1= an absolute do not use
5= Is absolutely perfect
∗Disclaimer: This is my personal opinion as a veteran pilot and does not reflect everyones use of said items in actual combat∗

Tank For Review: Partisan

Health levels: 5 (2200)
Sitting at a mighty healthy 2200 health, this tank boasts more Hp than even the heaviest assault grade mechs with maxed out perks. Obviouslt designed to be a center piece and tank with such a copious amount of health, you still have to be carefull, as this health merely acts as an HP buffer for you to soak return fire between your own shots.

Speed: 1
The Partisan is meant to be an assault tank, and as such, it is slow. Very, very slow. Pick your fights, and always be within distance of a slow crawl to cover in case things do go SOL, as you’ll need the proximity to find the defensible location.

Flight capability: 1
It’s a tank. Tanks don’t fly, and aren’t meant to fly, unless it’s a hovertank. Then they hover, not fly, and this tank very obviously has treads. Yes it can jump, but doing so grants you an instant 90 heat. So don’t do it unless you absolutely have to.

Hitbox Size: 2
If you aim dead center, you will hit this tank repeatedly and easily, as it moves slow and predictably. However, there are a lot of extra prims to either side, from both the front and the sides, to be misleading on the hitbox. Just aim center, and it’s fine.

Weapons that come with: Jerico Missle System, Assault Plasma Rifle, Disruptor.

Equip slot: Stomach
Damage level: 1 (12 damage)
ammo: 5 (Unlimited)
range: 1 (Melee)
Projectile type: None, melee
Projectile speed: Instant
fire rate: 5 (Just like any other melee)
Heat generation: 5 (Produces no heat)
Ease of aim: 5 (
Special: Pushback
Hardmounted: Yes
Splash Size: None
Personal notes: All in all, nothing special, as it is merely a stomach mounted, weakened melee shield. Good for keeping melee mechs off of you for a short time, it serves little other purpose. Use only as a last ditch resort weapon.

Jerico missles:
Equip slot: Left and Right shoulder
Damage level: 5 (50 damage ∗ 6 bomblets)
ammo: 3 (40)
range: 3 (50 meters, exactly)
Projectile type: Missle, followed by dispersal bomb.
Projectile speed: 3
fire rate: 2 (Once every three seconds)
Heat generation: 5 (Not noticable at all)
Ease of aim:2
Special: Explodes at exactly
Hardmounted: Yes
Splash Size: 5 (10 meters per bomblet)
Personal notes:
In theory, these are an awesome weapon. They do 50∗6 damage on a perfect hit per missle for a whopping 300 damage each. If you miss, the bomblets spread out and pose a chance to splash a wide area to catch your target better. Sounds awesome, right? Well, in theory, yes. The short comming is, these missles have an exact range of 50. They fly to said range, and then detonate, be it in front of you, up, or down. If they impact anything before said 50 meters, they won’t detonate due to ’didn’t have time to arm’, and do absolutely nothing. If your target is outside of 50 meters, your missles will detonate before reaching them, leaving you to hope the bomblets fall within splash range.

Granted, I have had a short time to use this, and haven’t had alot of practice. If you dedicate time to this weapon, and learn it inside and out, you will be able to do some serious damage with it. If you just pick it up for the lols, be prepared to be frusterated with them.

Assault Plasma Rifle:
Equip slot: Spine
Damage level: 5 (20∗7)
ammo: 5 (Unlimited)
range: 4 (90-ish)
Projectile type: Phantom Projectile
Projectile speed:
fire rate: 4 (7 round burst with two second down time between bursts)
Heat generation: 2 (Produces around 60 heat per salvo)
Ease of aim: 4 (Large projectiles with fase travel speed)
Special: None
Hardmounted: Yes
Splash Size: 0 (None)
Personal notes:
This is another weapon that seems awesome in theory. At nearly 140 damage with a perfect salvo, and a low re-fire time, it can devistate targets under a barage of bullets. However, it runs incredibly hot, overheating you after the third successive salvo if in rapid succession. Fire in slow, successive shots, and you will cause much pain and suffering, enough to drive off most light and medium mechs, though you will struggle with heavier mechs capable of tanking the damage.

Overall review
All in all, this Tank seems like a very specialised setup. There is a very limited range with which you can do maximum damage, and outside of that, you will be merely a shadow of what you would potentially be capable of. If you have experience, and can keep mechs in that sweet 50 meter range, or aiming upwards so that your missles explode above your target and rain down the bomblets even if they are within 50 meters, you will be a terror on the field. If you don’t though, you will most likely be brushed aside or ignored.

Use this tank as a support vehicle, and use allies to distract your targets so you can rain un-restrained death upon them. In other words, use the tank what it’s built for, team play, and you will emerge victorious.

Three out of Five stars due to it’s difficulty to solo and complicated weapons being un-friendly to new players, but devistating in the hands of vets.

These stats are all subject to change and modifcation, please ensure the database numbers match the reviews, as weapons are prone to buffing/debuffing.
Rating 3 Stars