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View Review
Product Golem
Reviewer Velox Vyper
Created 12-Jul-2011, 23:49:40
Overview Is this mech a Golem of steel, or a Golem of flesh?
Rating System: 1-5
1= an absolute do not use
5= Is absolutely perfect
∗Disclaimer: This is my personal opinion as a veteran pilot and does not reflect everyones use of said items in actual combat∗

Mech For Review: Golem

Health levels: 4.5 (1250)
A higher end health assault mech, it can take a beating and keep on waddling after it’s prey, but isn’t the toughest mech on the block, and will have to watch out for long ranged hard hitting strikes.

Speed: 1.5
Rated at a base ground speed of 0, this mech seems like it would be fairly slow and ground pounding. However, after using the mech for a short period of time, I noticed it moved on par with slightly faster assault and heavy mechs. Not sure why this is, but I’ll take what I can get.

Flight capability: 2
A high heat of jumping offsets this mechs strangely high ability to jump for an assault mech. a full JJ burn of fuel will bring you to about the same height as the roof of most medium buildings in old city, and have enough over to let you over there for a second or so before plummeting to the ground with no fuel.

Hitbox Size: 3
The center mass of the mech seems to accurately represent where the hit box is, with the arms just a hair to wide of where they should rest. The legs however are a splayed a little wide, and the very long LB rifles on the shoulders are not detectable, so the nice center of mass is offset by a few odd tidbits.

Weapons that come with: LB Rifle, Melee Mace

LB rifle:
Equip slot: Left and Right Pec
Damage level: 4 (3 shot burst, 15 damage per bullet)
ammo: 5 (unlimited)
range: 5 (200 Meters)
Projectile type: Physical, Projectile
Projectile speed: 4
fire rate: 3
Heat generation: 5 (Not noticable when fired repeatedly)
Ease of aim: 4 (Fires three projectiles in a small spread, ensuring at least one normally hits.)
Special: None
Hardmounted: Yes
Splash Size: 0 (N/A)
Personal notes: These weapons aren’t anything new or extrodinary, and behave exactly like a standard Gatling laser of any variety or a pulse laser. Only difference is though, these weapons fire with each trigger pull, instead of holding down and allowing you to spray bullets. This is a blessing and a curse at the same time, allowing for more accurate controlled fire, yet at the same time meaning you don’t have a constant stream of bullets inbetween your weapons fire otherwise. This makes it a great in close compliment to it’s energy maces. Or, as an alternate possibility, mount quad gatling lasers of some sort and have fun with tons of spam.

Melee Mace:
Equip slot: Left and Right Arm
Damage level: 4 (60 damage each)
ammo: 5 (Unlimited)
range: 1 (Melee range, seems fairly long range for melee though)
Projectile type: Melee, Sensor
Projectile speed: 5 (Sensor)
fire rate: 3 (One second cool down between successfull hits)
Heat generation: 5
Ease of aim: 5 (Get near your enemy, face them, and swing away)
Special: 0
Hardmounted: Yes
Splash Size: 0 (N/A)
Personal notes: The single most powerful melee weapon in MCM, this will quickly and easily eat anything that gets to close alive. Couple it in with your LB Rifles, and things will die horribly fast. As long as they don’t push you back outside of your melee range that is.

Overall review
All in all, I am strangely fond of this mech. While it isn’t the cream of the crop, this age old standby is a brutally effecient close in brawler. However, there are always issues. It’s stock loadout lacks any sort of reliable long range weaponry, and because it’s LB rifles equip on the pecs it makes it very hard to mount pec weapons with any sort of resemblence of coolness.
All in all, I would definately pic this Mech up to wander through the sewers in Old City. Else where, the mech is simply too slow to be used effectively, and will be kited to death by quicker lighter melee mechs that can escape to repair.

My recomendation, get it, if anything for the nostalgia.
Now off to kill some folks, signing out, Velox Vyper.
Rating 4 Stars