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View Review
Product Kraken
Reviewer Velox Vyper
Created 09-Jun-2011, 00:33:27
Overview Will you Release the Kraken, or Release the puppies with this monster?
Rating System: 1-5
1= an absolute do not use
5= Is absolutely perfect
∗Disclaimer: This is my personal opinion as a veteran pilot and does not reflect everyones use of said items in actual combat∗

Mech For Review: Kraken

Health levels: 4.5 (1250,)
One of the tougher assault mechs, it’s capable of standing up to far more punishment than Heavy mechs, and some of it’s assault cousins, it still doesn’t posses as much HP as a few of the bigger assault. The added bonus of energy and explosive resists, the most commonly used weapons in mcm, will make this mech a fairly effecient soaker of damage for combat.

Speed: 1
With the average speed of all assault mechs, it won’t catch anything on the ground, and has little to no chance of ever escaping from pursuing targets. Pick where you stand carefully, you won’t get very far from it once fighting starts.

Flight capability: 1.5
Due to a low jump heat, this mech is strangely capable of hopping fairly well, but lacks the ability to truelly use jump jets due to a slow take off, heavy weight, and quick burning of fuel. I’d suggest you keep the mastwrecker cannon on instead, and leave the JJ’s at home.

Hitbox Size: 2
While the hitbox itself isn’t truelly horribly mishapen, the prims that come with the mech are horribly off. From the front, the legs splay far and wide of the actual hitbox, while from the front the lasers that come stock on it mount far fowards, making it’s profile far longer than it really is. Usefull for throwing off prey, but prepare to hear the complaints about wonky hit boxes.

Special Abilities:
Knockdown Immunity, Built in 50% AMS, 10% energy Resists, 10% Explosives resist

Weapons that come with: Mastwrecker Cannon, Dual Slice Lasers

Mastwrecker Cannon
Equip slot: Spine
Damage level: 5 (100 damage)
ammo: 3 (60 ammo)
range: 5 (Cross sim)
Projectile type: Physical, Projectile
Projectile speed: 4
fire rate: 2 (Once per 3 seconds ish)
Heat generation: 2
Ease of aim: 3 (Small projectile, Huge explosion radius, fast traveling.)
Special: None
Hardmounted: Yes
Splash Size: 5 (9 meter splash)
Personal notes:
A severly underused weapon on an under used mech, this weapon is a nifty hybrid of several types. Long range and fast traveling, this weapon is capable of cross sim sniping and doing decent damage at that. At the same time, it has a massive splash bubble, 9 meters across, that does the same damage as a direct hit, and can be shot long ranges, it can be a mock replacement for the famous tyr’s bfg, only to have it spine mounted instead of stomach, leaving the stomach slot open for heatsinks. A little hot per fire, it combines well with other long range weapons for heavy hitting shots, just be carefull of refire rates and people russing you. A new found love of mine, you can garuntee this wil be used in the future.

Dual Slice Laser:
Equip slot: left and right arm
Damage level: 4 (60 damage, fast refire)
ammo: 5 (Unlimited)
range: 3.5 (66 meters, ask xxander.)
Projectile type: Beam
Projectile speed: 5 (Instant)
fire rate: 4 (One second refire)
Heat generation: 3 (Not super hot running, these lasers will generate plenty of heat to overheat you though if fired rapidly and repeatedly.
Ease of aim: 4
Special: None
Hardmounted: No
Splash Size: 0 (None)
Personal notes:
With a slightly shorter range than the assault lasers, a little less damage, and slightly less heat, most would discard these for their off the wall or Mammoth mounted cousin. However, Since their buff, these weapons have a new found strength in mcm. With a rapid re-fire, fairly heavy damage, and a decent range, these weapons will be a star of laser boats for high, rapid dps. However, the issue of overheating must be taken care of, as with rapid fireing it will overheat slowly.
Overall review
All in all, this mech is a rarely used gem. After it’s buff, this mech is capable of high, stable damage repeatedly at all ranges, making it a balanced even assault mech. It doesn’t specialize in any one area, but with a bit of modification it can be changed to excell in either close range combat or long range snipeing. In all honesty, there isn’t much to be said about this mech that hasn’t already been talked about in the previous sections.
All in all, I would recomend this mech as a basic sturdy platform with which to expand upon other setups, or to put it’s dual slice beams on other mechs. With it’s knockdown immunity, and 50% ams resist built in, this mech has more than enough special abilities to keep it alive in all forms of combat.
Rating 4 Stars