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View Review
Product Polaris
Reviewer Velox Vyper
Created 26-May-2011, 14:37:57
Overview Is this mech a two tiered fighter, or a short range dud?
Rating System: 1-5
1= an absolute do not use
5= Is absolutely perfect
∗Disclaimer: This is my personal opinion as a veteran pilot and does not reflect everyones use of said items in actual combat∗

Mech For Review: Polaris

Health levels: 1.5 (600 health)
A definate paper weight, use this mech in hit and run actions, or to sniper from long ranges where you won’t be noticed. A single heavy alpha from most assault mechs will destroy this light mech in 1-2 salvos.

Speed: 4
An average ground bound speed for a light mech, it’s hampered by the fact it doesn’t have a daac due to it’s stomch strife jet. However, it’s also benefited by this stomach strife jet, giving it incredible short sprints of speed.

Flight capability: 5
Not capable of quiet true flight, this mech can hover for long periods of time with standard Jump jets. However, Jumpjets combined with it’s stomach Strife mounted Jump jets enables it to stay in the air for extreme amounts of time, alternating between the two for fuel burn and regeneration. Not to mention you can use the strife to gain speed, then hover with the Jump jet to maintain it.

Hitbox Size: 4
A small mech, it’s hit box seems to fit it well, making it a difficult to hit, fast moving target. However, if your aim is true, it is still easy to nail repeatedly.

Weapons that come with: ER Laser, Meleeclaw, Small Pulse Laser

ER Laser:
Equip slot: Left and Right Arm
Damage level: 3 (25 damage, rated high due to refire rate)
ammo: 5 (unlimited)
range: 4 (100 meters)
Projectile type: Beam
Projectile speed: 5 (Instant travel)
fire rate: 4 (About a half second pause between fired beams)
Heat generation: 2 (Heat generation is low, but due to refire rate it quickly climbs)
Ease of aim: 4 (Straight beam, fires slightly off center and low
Special: None
Hardmounted: Yes
Splash Size: 0 (None)
Personal notes: This lasers behave almost exactly like large mounted lasers on the arms. Only they do slightly less damage, at a far superrior fire rate. If you wish to fire these weapons repeatedly, be prepared to mount heavy heatsinks to offset the heat. In my personal opinion, I love them as they are rapid fire, and in scale for light mechs, do amazing damage with great ease of hit for long range. However, the only issue remains it heat, forcing it to be your sole primary weapon unless you wish to wait for long cooldowns between shots. In all honesty, these weapons are best benefited by it’s stock loadout, only with tripleheatsinks on the shoulders.

Melee Claw:
Equip slot: left Pec
Damage level: 1 (15 damage)
ammo: 5 (unlimited)
range: 1 (2-3 meter range)
Projectile type: Sensor based, Melee
Projectile speed: 5 (instant)
fire rate: 5 (Unlimited spam upon fire, one second cooldown after hit)
Heat generation: 5 (None)
Ease of aim: 5 (Get within 2-3 meters of the enemy, face them, spam the mouse)
Special: None
Hardmounted: Yes
Splash Size: 0 (None)
Personal notes: A standard Melee weapon, it does a pidly 15 damage compared to heavier cousing that do 40+ damage a shot. However, it is unique in that it mounts on the pec, enabling it to keep arm and shoulder mounted weapons, yet retain a close combat claw. Also usefull for creating impromptu light melee mech setups.

Small Pulse Laser:
Equip slot: Right pec
Damage level: 1 (4 damage, three shot burst)
ammo: 5 (Unlimited)
range: 4 (75 meters roughly depending on lag)
Projectile type: Physical, Bullet
Projectile speed:
fire rate: 4
Heat generation: 0 (Not noticable)
Ease of aim: 4 (Spammable with a slight spread, ensures at least one projectile impacts)
Special: None
Hardmounted: Yes
Splash Size: 0 (none)
Personal notes: A pidly small pew pew spam weapon, this will do little more than annoy your opponnents. While effective at breaking gear on weakened foes, it is good for little more than annoying and harrassing targets. However, it helps the melee claw, adding just that slight amount of dps at close range. For once, it’s a rare mech that I recomend to keep it.
Overall review
Overall, In my eyes the Polaris is a shineing gem of an older time. With it’s Strife Jets combined with Jump jets, it can make leaping bounds and has extreme amounts of mobility, enabling it to hit and run at will. The ER lasers benefit this mobility greatly, allowing it to shoot from long range and remain well outside of the immediate combat area, allowing heavier mechs to tank the damage while it loans it’s own upon the enemies, and still allowing it to defend itself against harrasing lights and mediums. If all else fails though, and long range fire is suicidal, it has a melee claw and small pec pulse laser, enabling it to jump on opponenents not armed for close combat and to at least do a number in damage before retreating for the inevitable repair.
All in all, this is a well balanced mech. While it doesn’t excell at any one thing, it is great at many different things, making it a well rounded mech. Pick and choose your fights, and you will emerge victorious.
Rating 5 Stars