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View Review
Product Rouge
Reviewer Velox Vyper
Created 17-May-2011, 13:08:09
Overview Rouge: Will it turn your cheeks red in glee, or cause the skin to become blotchy in dissapointment?
Rating System: 1-5
1= an absolute do not use
5= Is absolutely perfect
∗Disclaimer: This is my personal opinion as a veteran pilot and does not reflect everyones use of said items in actual combat∗

Mech For Review: Rouge

Health levels: 1 (550 health)
Made of paper mache, this mech is only tougher than some of the very weakest light mechs and infantry units, rendering it nearly incapable of taking any sort of direct fire.

Speed: 4
A fairly rapid moving ground based mech, it has few matches in un-assisted ground pounders, and with DAAC, it’s speed raises to things near unmatchable save for a few medium and heavy mechs.

Flight capability: 3
Capable of a limited immitation of flight, the jump jet is best used on this mech to perform emergency escapes or to take to the air for it’s air speed. A full fuel amount if monitored carefully will keep you in the air for about eight seconds, while a full fuel burn will bring you close, if not to the cieling prim.

Hitbox Size: 2
Fairly tall for a light mech, this close rane fighter presents a large hitbox for a low hit point setup, rendering this mech fairly innefctive and easily destroyed.

Weapons that come with: Sub Machine Gun, Hail Missle Light

Sub Machine Gun:
Equip slot: Left and Right Arm
Damage level: 2 ( 4 bullets, 5 damage each)
ammo: 5 (280 ammo)
range: 5 (Cross sim capability)
Projectile type: Bullet, Physical
Projectile speed: 4
fire rate: 3 (4 round burst, about 1 second pause between re-fires)
Heat generation: 5 (No heat noticable even while fireing non-stop)
Ease of aim: 4 (Rapid fire and a small spread of bullets ensure normally at least one bullet impacts while within effective range)
Special: None
Hardmounted: No
Splash Size: 0, None
Personal notes:
While if fully automatic, this weapon would be a fearsome and rapidly damaging asset. But, as it only fires four rounds with a one second pause it renders it rather difficult to do any decent amount of damage with this weapon. While a decent spammy weapon, I suggest replacing it with something more effective that fires just as fast for more damage.

Hail missle light:
Equip slot: Right and Left Pec
Damage level: 3 (3 explosions of 13 damage each for 39 total damage)
ammo: 4 (60 ammo, one ammo used per salvo)
range: 4 (The missles will travel as far as you can actually arc them, which seems to be out to roughly the 100 meter Range)
Projectile type: Missle, Projectile
Projectile speed: 4
fire rate: 3
Heat generation: 5 (Fired alone, the weapon fires so slowly heat generation doesn’t even budge the heat marker)
Ease of aim:3 (Missles travel with a moderatly severe arc)
Special: Steep learning curve for new users.
Hardmounted: No
Splash Size: 4 (3-4 meter wide explosion)
Personal notes: These missles fire fowards at a quick pace, with a rather moderate arcing rate, resulting in flat fired shots falling to the ground about ten to fifteen meters from the firer, arcing enabling these missles to either travel further or shorter depending on how they are fired. Used by themselves, they are moderatly easy to learn the curve and plink at standing buildings. However, in actual combat situations where you and your opponnent are moving makes this much more difficult, resulting in many missed shots. Be perpared to learn this weapon thoroughly to use it effectively and to mount weapons to aid in it’s akward ark for being able to concentrate all of your fire.

Overall review
All in all, this mech is rather weak and lacking, possessing only short range weaponry with which to fight, but utterly lacking the health or actual damage to make it a possibility. Easily out classed by other light and medium mechs that are just as fast with upwards of 200+ more points of health, this mech at most should be bought for it’s weapons to be strapped onto other mechs, and used occasionally as a fancy show piece, as it really is an ok appearing build.
Rating 2 Stars