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Product MCM Mech Review: Zenith
Reviewer Velox Vyper
Created 17-May-2011, 13:05:45
Overview Is this mech the Zenith of light mechs, or a bottomless pit of failure?
Rating System: 1-5
1= an absolute do not use
5= Is absolutely perfect
∗Disclaimer: This is my personal opinion as a veteran pilot and does not reflect everyones use of said items in actual combat∗

Mech For Review: Zenith

Health levels: 1.5 (600 health)
This mech has a very low health amount, equivelant to two heavy hitting assault alphas if your lucky. Don’t engage other mechs in wide open fights, and try to use what cover you can to perserve what little health you have.

Speed: 4
A comparitively fast light mech on the ground, it’s decent ground pounding speed is heavily offset by it’s lack of special mobility, allowing for other light mechs or strife/warp mechs to catch up to it easily.

Flight capability: 4
Capable of a near imitation of flight, this mech can maintain a hove in the air for 10+ seconds if monitored carefully, while a full fuel burn will send you into the cieling prim. The mechs air speed is greater than it’s ground speed, so bunny hop like a mad man.

Hitbox Size: 3
While the hit box seems well suited for the mech itself, the Zennith is strangely tall for a light mech it feels like and presents a comparitively large profile when compared to it’s smaller cousins for enemies to target. Not a good thing in a ’sniper’ mech.

Weapons that come with:

Compression Cannon:
Equip slot: Left Arm
Damage level: 5 (100)
ammo: 4 (100)
range: 5 (Cross sim capable)
Projectile type: Bullet, Physical
Projectile speed: 5
fire rate: 3
Heat generation: 3 (Repeated rapid fire builds heat, resulting in 12 shots fired before overheat even without heatsinks.
Ease of aim: 2
Special: Fires a unique sniper round, that is extremely small in width and length compared to other sniper rounds. Suffers from the same delima of other sniper rounds as the bullet drags in the direction you were moving while you fired.
Hardmounted: Yes
Splash Size: 0, None.
Personal notes: While functionally the same as other standard sniper rifles, the Compression Cannon differs in that it has a much larger store of ammunition. However, this bonus comes with a huge bane, as the compression cannons bullet that it fires is pathetically small, leaving it hard to trace down range at long distances and equally hard to actually impact foes with unless your within a fairly close distance to them. Due to the fragile platform it’s mounted on, and the general difficulty to hit with this weapon, I would recommend only advanced users of long range balistic weapons use this weapon.

Light Hail Missle:
Equip slot: Right Pec
Damage level: 3 (3 explosions of 13 damage each for 39 total damage)
ammo: 4 (60 ammo, one ammo used per salvo)
range: 4 (The missles will travel as far as you can actually arc them, which seems to be out to roughly the 100 meter Range)
Projectile type: Missle, Projectile
Projectile speed: 4
fire rate: 3
Heat generation: 5 (Fired alone, the weapon fires so slowly heat generation doesn’t even budge the heat marker)
Ease of aim: 3 (Missles travel with a moderatly severe arc)
Special: Steep learning curve for new users.
Hardmounted: No
Splash Size: 4 (3-4 meter wide explosion)
Personal notes: These missles fire fowards at a quick pace, with a rather moderate arcing rate, resulting in flat fired shots falling to the ground about ten to fifteen meters from the firer, arcing enabling these missles to either travel further or shorter depending on how they are fired. Used by themselves, they are moderatly easy to learn the curve and plink at standing buildings. However, in actual combat situations where you and your opponnent are moving makes this much more difficult, resulting in many missed shots. Be perpared to learn this weapon thoroughly to use it effectively and to mount weapons to aid in it’s akward ark for being able to concentrate all of your fire.
On a side note, this weapon can be modified to mount on both the right and left pec at the same time.
Melee Dagger:
Equip slot: Right Arm
Damage level: 2 (15 damage with rapid re-swing)
ammo: 5 (Unlimited)
range: 1 (2-5 meters)
Projectile type: Melee
Projectile speed: 5 (Instant)
fire rate: 4 (about a one second cool down between successfull hits)
Heat generation: 5 (No heat noticed while spamming)
Ease of aim: 5 (Get close to opponent, with him within 180 degrees of your front, and swing repeatedly.)
Hardmounted: No
Splash Size: 0, none
Personal notes: While the melee dagger technically does more damage than several other melee weapons, it can only be mounted to the right arm, and comes equiped on a mech designed for long range support roles. Use this weapon as an omnimount to replace one laser blade claw on your other mechs, otherwise swap it out for more long ranged firepower, as this one small dagger will not keep melee mechs at bay, no matter how fiercesome your shiving skills are.

Overall review
Overall, this mech is a cute little package, boasting long, medium, and short range weapons. However, it doesn’t excell at any of it’s assigned ranged, the long range compression cannon being difficult to hit with, the hail missles lacking a true amount of punch for how hard it is to actually hit with them, and the melee dagger being outclassed by other melee weapons. A fun little replacement sniper, I don’t see it ever replacing the more effective cousins at their jobs, and at most being bought to scrap it’s weapons off of.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to stab some assaults in the kidney with my Shiv.
Rating 2 Stars